So, like me, you have decided to take over the world as a hacker, right? Me too and I have been trying for nearly 10 years. So what am I doing wrong? Let me start this off differently. Do you get “nervous in your pee-pee” when you visit a financial institutions website, type in a bogus name only to see it auto fill the exact character length of the field for you with zeros? Or how about a totally vulnerable URL field in your browser? If this describes you, then this blog is for you. People just have an instinctive curiosity about errors and problem solving; most people want to fix them while others want to move in the other extreme by leveraging the error to its most granular source, complete compromise or failure. We are the “others.” I am not going to impress anyone one with magical code or scripts here, because I am not a wizard (literally), if I were I would not need to be a hacker. I am not a genius (I misspelled this word until I gave up and let spellchecker tell me how to spell it…so there you have it!) but that in my opinion is not the point. I am, however, extremely relentless in my pursuit of virtually anything I ”get into.” This is not really a technical manual either. I will, however, provide EXACT code strings that will leverage the different exploits that I have come across where applicable. This blog is to be a collection of “real world” events that I have encountered in my life that show what a hacker really is all about. I want your feedback in the same way. It’s not about the scripts or the code or the next hot vulnerability, there are plenty of blogs for that already. It is a mind-set that yields pleasure just from the encounter. It is also a real script blog not some jargon filled crap that never really tells you anything useful, aside from extreme concepts clouded by a lack of or poor technical writer. I have been looking for something like this for years, which is why I decided to start it…makes sense. The point is that there is no defined way to hack, it is a language and some people have a better grasp of the vocabulary than others. Just like in programming there are multiple ways to accomplish the same task, some arguably better than others, but nonetheless they all work. Lets not get into the semantics of this right now, for security sake. The idea is that you must understand the thought process more than anything else, which can be perceived as the boring part, until you understand what it is. That is what will allow you to leverage opportunities, which present themselves in the real world everyday. So lets get this started and see what happens and if I get enough good material I will make it into a book. Post away.
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